Welcome/The Land/Life at Home/Thai Food/Animals/Clothing/Sports and Games/Holidays


People celebrate the New Year twice in Thailand. Thais celebrate New Year's Day on January 1 like North Americans do. Thais cook eggs in soy sauce for New Year's. These eggs stand for good life in the new year.

Songkran is the other New Year holiday. Songkran lasts for three days in April. Thais use water to clean buildings. They also throw water at one another. The water cleans buildings and people.

Loy Krathong comes at the end of the rainy season. People float tiny boats with burning candles on the rivers. Some Thais believe the boats will bring them good luck. Other celebrate Loy Krathong to thank the river for all it gives them.

The queen's and king's birthdays also are holidays in Thailand. Thais celebrate with parades.


Kristin Thoennes